#新生活が捗る逸品 あみじゃくしって知ってる?野菜を茹でたら、あみじゃくしですくって、タッパーに入れている。ザルを使うと洗うのが大変だけど、あみじゃくしならチャチャッと洗える。少量の小麦粉をふるったりもできるし、揚げ物の時も油切れながらすく…

I haven't gotten Abe no mask yet.

Did you get Abe no mask? I haven't gotten it yet. It's already cancellation the declaration emergency statement. Another hand,I got an application of special benefit. I think that the government send both the mask and application together.…

Mother's day.

Japanese sent carnations for my mother on Mother's day. How about you? Recently it's changed. Commercial strategy? Many people sent a gift,how about sweets,bag or esthe ticket.

Do you want to lose weight?

Most of Japanese women want to lose weight more,even skinny women do. Why? Maybe many magazines pictured skinny models,or many TV shows broad skinny actress. A lot of women have been gone anorexia for years because of wrong information. Ma…

Do you be strong quickly?

Today I'd like to talk about immune system. Covid19 is against only way our immune system. So we have to be strong against corona virus. It's very important for sleeping,eating and excercisng well. So we should go to bed earlier,eating hea…

Do you know specific medicines about Corona virus?

Hi,I'm a Japanese dietitian,Naomi. Nice to meet you! Recently some doctors feel like working on some medicines about corona virus. Remdesivir,chloroquine and penciclovir,etc. I'm glad to hear that. If I had a corona virus,I can recover by …

Do you like juice?

I like juce,but only straight juice,not concentrate juice. Juice concentrate is where the water content from the fruit has been removed.Juice concentrate is generally frozen and prepared frozen,it's shelf-life is extended dramatically!! Bu…


Takuya Kimura(木村拓哉) uses Weibo like a twitter in China. I think he shifts change Japanse fan to Chinese one. He's smart! Chinese are many population,so if chinese become fans,his fan will make big soon! He's smart,right? His face is n…

How much salts do you intake a day?

Average japanese intake 11gram salts per a day. Is it many or less? I think it's little bit much salt. We can reduce a little. It's said that stomach cancer relate intake salt. So let's reduce intake salt today.

Sunday nights.

Sunday nights,my feeling is always down.Because of begining work from monday to friday. Besides now I have to go to work by train,risk of infection corona virus. If I had a corona virus,I might infect someone. It's so awful. Only me,it's O…

People notice when the person die.

I notice that the importance after a person died. So I suggest that a friend or a person meet now. If you meet when I'm available,it's too late to meet them.

Did you go to a hair salon?

During corona virus emergency,I haven't been to a hair salon. I had my hair cut in January,but corona virus is spread these days,so I can't go there. Maybe during cutting my hair,I can't wear a mask on a face. I'm thinking about cutting my…

Do you know carbo count?

In Japan,diabetes type 1 patients often use carbo count. It is counting carbohydrate each meal. The rule is 10g cabohydrate is 1 carbo. For example,150g rice is 5.5carbo,200ml milk is 1.0carbo. A patient count the carbo each meal,and calcu…

Do you know Furusato Nouzei(ふるさと納税)?

Furusato Nouzei is a kind of paying resident's tax. But I can choose any city or town where you want to pay tax. After that I can get a souvenior from the city or town. It's fruits or vegetables or fish...anything. It's important for choos…

Do you know Furusato Nouzei(ふるさと納税)?

Furusato Nouzei is a kind of paying resident's tax. But I can choose any city or town where you want to pay tax. After that I can get a souvenior from the city or town. It's fruits or vegetables or fish...anything. It's important for choos…

As-you-like-it Pancake.

Okonomiyaki Do you know OKonomiyaki? I sererch it in a japanese food dictionary,it's said"as-you-like-it pancake. It sounds funny. Japanese eat it most of west side area,especially Osaka people often eat it. I like it. It's easy to cook it…

Novel coronavirus what I know.

Novel coronavirus is broken out,especially at Yokohama in Japan. Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus 1.Wash hands frequently. Novel coronavirus has a envelope,so it works alchol. 2.Avoid touching eyes,nose and mouth. I th…

Ponkan tangerine.ポンカン

There are a lot of season foods in japan. Nowadays,you can see various of oranges or tangerine in a japanese supermarket. Ponkan tangerine is very sweet and juicy. ponkan tangerine We can eat white segments which has a lot of fibers and pe…




今まで手洗いで食器を洗っていて、食洗機の良さは全然わからなかった。 が、今、食洗機を使っていると、もう手放せない便利さです。 何より、手が荒れないのが良い。 そして、手で洗うより水も節約されている。 そしてそして、手で洗う時間が無いので、食事…


暑い季節です。お風呂から上がっても、また汗をかく季節ですね。 そんな時に、してみると、簡単に熱が取れる方法があります。 お風呂から上がってから、体についた水滴を拭かずにそのままでいます。 顔の水滴は拭いて、化粧水を付けたり、髪の毛を乾かします…


最近の死亡率でじわじわと上がっているのが、肺炎です。 肺炎の中でも、一番多いのが、誤嚥性肺炎。 口腔内のものが、食道へ行かずに、気管に誤って入ってしまい、気管の先の肺が炎症を起こしてしまう病気。 実は、寝ている間や、何も食べていない時に、自分…


今日の夕焼けは、薄い紫色の夜の色と、明るいオレンジの太陽の色が絶妙に混ざった、夏の夕焼けでした。 とっても綺麗で、最高な気分の空の下で、前を通ったトラックの車体に「SAIKO」と書いていました。 思わず笑ってしまいました。 ちょっとした日常に笑い…


筋肉量が多いほど、死亡率が低い というのを、学会で聞いたことがあります。 筋肉量が多いほど、自立して生活をし、脳を使い、体を使っているからでしょうか。 足腰を鍛えているほど、転倒しにくく、怪我をしにくいように思います。 本気のスクワット10回…











